Wednesday, May 14, 2008

abortion - conservative vs. liberal

c conservative view on abortion is that it is like murder. Conservatives are pro-life meaning that if a woman gets pregnant then she should keep the baby. even if she is not ready to take care of a baby, then she could give it up for adoption. Also, if you don't want to get an abortion because you don't want to get pregnant, then there are other ways on not getting pregnant, you could use a condom, go on birth control, or just not have sex. Liberals view on abortion is that they are pro-choice. They think that women should do what they want with their body's. If they want to get an abortion, then they should go for it.

My personal perspective is that i am moderate on this topic, i think that women should have a right to choose, but then at the same time i think that women should still keep a child that she is pregnant with. But then at the same time i think that if a woman was raped and got pregnant, then that would be a good reason to get an abortion.

i I think that todays presentation went well for being the first one. I think that the clip for the video and the song was too long because i would have liked to have a longer discussion. also, i think that some of the topic questions were unclear. but all in all, i think that it was a good presentation.

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