Monday, May 19, 2008

Illegal Immigration

The conservative side of illegal immigrants is that they should not be able to have rights to be in our country. They dont pay the same taxes as we do because they have a social security number. The liberal side of illegal immigrants is that they should be able to live here because they are a person, and they should have every right to be living here, just as we do.

I personaly think that if people want to live in America, then they should be legalized and they should get a green card or something because i dont want anyone to be taking away a job that i would be able to get.

School Prayer

the conservative side of school prayer is that they are all for it. They think that the kids in school should be about to be express their religion thorugh a prayer session. The liberal side of school prayer is that they think that there should be no school prayer. They think that if people want to be religious, then they should do it on their own time.

My person belief about school prayer is that people should be able to express their religion however they want. If that means that they are religous during school, then they should be able to.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

gay rights - conservative vs. liberal

For gay rights and marriage, the conservative views are that it should be illegal. the reason that they think it should be illegal is because in the bible it says that marriage should be between a man and a women. Also they think that it is going against everything that god made because when our country was put together, it was all Christianity that put our country together and they thought that only a man and a women be legally bound. The liberal point of view on gay rights/marriage is that if two people are in love, then they should be able and have the right to get married and be together. It doesn't matter what sex they are in love with, they should be able to be together no matter what.

my opinion on this matter is very liberal. i think that if two people are in love, and if it is 2 guys, or 2 women, or if it is a man and a woman, then they should be allowed to do whatever they want, and not be ashamed of that. I also think that they should be allowed to get married and love each other openly.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

abortion - conservative vs. liberal

c conservative view on abortion is that it is like murder. Conservatives are pro-life meaning that if a woman gets pregnant then she should keep the baby. even if she is not ready to take care of a baby, then she could give it up for adoption. Also, if you don't want to get an abortion because you don't want to get pregnant, then there are other ways on not getting pregnant, you could use a condom, go on birth control, or just not have sex. Liberals view on abortion is that they are pro-choice. They think that women should do what they want with their body's. If they want to get an abortion, then they should go for it.

My personal perspective is that i am moderate on this topic, i think that women should have a right to choose, but then at the same time i think that women should still keep a child that she is pregnant with. But then at the same time i think that if a woman was raped and got pregnant, then that would be a good reason to get an abortion.

i I think that todays presentation went well for being the first one. I think that the clip for the video and the song was too long because i would have liked to have a longer discussion. also, i think that some of the topic questions were unclear. but all in all, i think that it was a good presentation.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Conservative vs. Liberal

explaining the difference between conservative & liberal viewpoints in America. It would be a good idea to brainstorm a list of "issues" that are pertinent to American culture in the 21st century.

  • Change is bad
  • Morality and responsibility
  • Government should not solve Americas problems
  • Americans should help each other
  • There is always a right and a wrong answer in all situations.
  • Abortion is murder
  • Euthanasia is wrong, people don’t have a “value worth”

  • Change is good
  • The government will solve our problems
  • We are allowed to express anything that we want, however we want.
  • Government funded programs
  • Open to all

There are many differences between liberal and conservative viewpoints. On one hand with liberals, change is good. But they believe that the government will solve all the problems in the world. People are encouraged to change and to express any belief that they want. If they want to practice a certain religion that they weren’t born as, they can. They can be gay, and express it how ever they want and wont be shunned by any other liberal. But then on the other hand with the conservatives, they believe that change is bad. They think that people should be independent, and with out a government. They always think that there is a right and a wrong answer in any situation. There is a world of black and white, there is no grey areas. They also believe that if a woman has an abortion, that it is murder.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Culture Authenticity

There is nothing really that I would call our generation authentic. I say that because in our culture today, it is mostly about the electronics and that is owned by corporate America. I guess that my generation could call the iPod and the internet our own, even though we don’t really own it; we are the ones that made it popular and so high demanding.
The reason that I don’t think that there is anything really authentic about my generation is that we are all about having the best product or the newest product, we as people are kind of associated with brands, we aren’t really able to define ourselves as individuals because we are so brainwashed with all the ads and stuff that advertisers give us. There is nothing that we can really define my generation as, like we aren’t the baby boomer generation or generation x. There is not a name for our generation yet, but I’m sure that when we are older and there is a new generation, there will be clear signs that we are different and there will become a name to our generation that we can identify ourselves.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

buying and selling

"It's a shame that the people who are listening to you the most are only interested in you because they want you and your peers to buy their product."

I would have to agree with this quote because it can be a very true statement. The reason that some people listen to you, is not because they want to know about YOU, they want to know about the products that you and your friends are interested in. I mean i think that this quote is not a good one because it is very true, but there is no way that today in this world that people don't want to get something, and for them to make money. Most of all people want to make money, and by doing this, it is easier to get the product sold, and for them to make more money.

Monday, March 17, 2008

so lets cause a scene....


I can't stand to think about
A heart so big it hurts like hell
Oh my God, I gave my best
But for three whole years, it could
End like this?

Well, do you want to fall apart?
I can't stop if you can't start
Do you want to fall apart?
Well, I could if you can't try to fix what I've undone
'Cause I hate what I've become

You know me
Or you think you do,
You just don't seem to see
I've been waiting all this time to be
Something I can't define, so let's cause a scene
Clap our hands and stomp our feet
Or something, yeah, something,
I just got to get myself over me

I could stand to do without
All the people I had left behind
What's the point in going round
When it's a straight line baby
A straight line down

So let's make a list of who we need
And it's not much, if anything
Let's make a list of who we need,
And we'll throw it away 'cause we don't need anyone
No, we don't need anyone

And I hate what I've become

You know the night life is just not for me
'Cause all you really need are a few good friends
I don't want to go out and be on my own
You know they started something I can't stand
You leave for the city,
Well, count me out
'Cause all this time is wasted on
Everything I've done

Over me, yeah
Over me

My Favorite song by The Format would have to The First Single (Cause a Scene). The reason that i love this song is because it has a very upbeat tone, and it has a very catchy chorus.

The lyrics mean that, you know me, but i have been waiting for a long time to be the real me, that you don't know about, that i don't even know about. I can be an independent person with out you, i don't need you in my life because i don't need anyone to help me find myself. I have been waisting my time with people that bring me down, and I'm sick of it because i want to be independent.

This song is very meaningful to me, because I am a very independent person, and I don't want people in my life that is keeping me from doing what I want to do. And i am also still trying to figure out who i am, and what the purpose in my life is. All that i want to do is break free from all the stuff that is holding me back from what i want to do. If i want to do something, then i should be able to do it. Also, i don;t need people in my life that try to control what i want to do. i want to be independent.
So the song is very meaningful to me because it is a fun, upbeat song with a very catchy chorus and beat. But also, it has a deeper meaning, that talks about being an independent person, not needing people in your like that bring you down.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Format... values for our generation...

The Format, in their own way represents values in our generation. The reason is that in their 2nd album, Dog Problems, it talks all about heartbreak, and everyone goes through heartbreak at least once in their life time. But in their last album, B-sides and Rarities, they have a few new songs that talk about what is going on in the world, and how the humans are destroying the world little by little. Just because they have a unique sound in their music, or have a different sense of fashion doesnt mean that they dont give our generation any values. I think that little by little, The Format gave us values, or at least they taught me morals.

The values that The Format taught me was that yes, love hurts, and if someone cheats on you, then that will hurt even more, but there are ways to get over it. It might take some time, but it is possible. I also think that the values that The Format taught me was that you should take care of the world, dont let it go to waste.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


What is the point of gossiping? All i really want to know is why do people do it, i mean i know i gossip, but i dont gossip about things that could be hurtful to the person who it was about. I know that today people were gossiping about me and my brother, and i think it is absolutely ridiculous.

The thing is, is that there is a show called Gossip Girl which is all about gossiping, but all the gossip that goes on in the show is hurtful to the person that it is about.

When i heard what people were saying about me and my brother (there was something that was read in one of my classes about an argument between me and him, which i did not want to be read.) really upset me because i know that people are now going to think that im just a sell out and really dont care, but the truth is, is that i really dont care about what other people have to say about me, but there will always be that little part of me that keeps saying that i did the wrong thing to rat him out. But in my opinion, and other peoples (my friends) i did the right things.

So all i want to know is why do people gossip. Is it to "unintentionally" hurt someone, or its it just stuff to talk about. What is the point to gossiping.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blog worthy....

What is blog worthy?...
To me blog worthy is stuff that is going on in the world, or in peoples every day lives. For instance I was watching a show called quarterlife and its about a woman who video blogs everyday about her life.
If i was to blog about anything, it would be events that happen in my everyday life that could be important to me.
For instance today I went shoe shopping, and there was a sign saying LARGE SHOE SALE EVENT GOING ON NEXT WEEKEND! and for some reason, i thought about how many people in the world, famous or non famous have really big feet. I know that my whole family has big feet, so i thought of other people that had big feet too. Paris Hilton has size 11 feet, and she gets most of her shoes custom made. Uma Therman has big feet too!
I also thing that stuff that is going on in the news that people want to ponder about.

I think that whatever is on your mind is blog worthy.

Right now what is on my mind is that i really want to go to another concert for the format, but i cant because they unfortunately broke up. im trying to figure out why they broke up. i just really wish they hadn't because they are my favorite band. All though i could go to a cobra starship concert cause they are absolutely amazing!!!

Also, I was listening to the radio one morning and they said that a 9 year old girl was kicked out of the country club that she belonged to because she grunted when she was playing tennis. I just think that is rediculous because she is only 9 years old, if she wants to grunt when she is playing tennis, then she should be able to because hey parents pay that country club to have her do whatever she wants to. I just think that is absolutely ridiculous!

So i think that blog worthy is whatever you want it to be.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

First Fav. Band

My first favorite band, would have to be the Format. I went to a concert with my sister three years ago to see Motion City Soundtrack and that is the first time that I had heard of the Format. I had an instant liking to them. After the concert me and my sister decided to buy the Interventions & Lullabies cd. The first time that we listened to that CD, I fell in love with the band. Ever since that concert, I have seen 6 more of their concerts and every one that I see seems like it is better than the last.
This music is important to me because whenever I want to listen to something good or relaxing, or if im in a bad mood, their music always seems to make me happier than before.